Adopt-a-Block is a community outreach where we target low-income areas in our city and just flood it with resources and love. This can take on a lot of different avenues: distribution of clothing and food at apartment complexes, going door-to-door in neighborhoods with food and supplies, distributing to nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Drive-by distributions have become more popular since the pandemic. Anything that we can do to reach out to around 30 or more people can be listed as an Adopt-a-Block project. Do you have suggestions for us? Please feel free to connect!
Text: 850-607-0453
"For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, "You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land."
The Los Angeles Dream Center is the organization that Pensacola Dream Center originated from.
This is a video that explains the Adopt-a-Block and other community outreach programs that we have either adapted to our area or are looking for possibilities. .
Copyright © 2021 Pensacola Dream Center - All Rights Reserved.
17:28 Ministries, Inc. d/b/a Pensacola Dream Center 501(c)(3)
P.O. Box 908
Pensacola, FL 32591