Here at Pensacola Dream Center, we run an emergency relief pantry. This is designed to help those that need a little extra to stretch until their paycheck or benefits come through. Text in your name, address, family size, ages, and cooking capacity, and a volunteer will contact you to set up a delivery. We run a shelf stable meal kit program, designed to feed a family of 6, with simple instructions for assembly.
When we have donations come in, we are able to distribute additional food items, but it's not guaranteed. The PDC pantry is not set up to sustain recipients long term, as we are not a food bank. If additional support is needed, we have a document on our resources page that will tell you where you can get a meal every day of the week. We also offer a coach / mentor program to help people navigate their circumstances that may be beneficial for those that feel that they need to constantly be reaching out for assistance.
WE ARE IN NEED OF FOOD DELIVERY DRIVERS!! Our delivery days are on Thursdays. We try to coordinate deliveries that are closest to your zip code, so if you are able to assist with this, please reach out to us either by text or email.
If you would like to donate financially to the PDC pantry, please specify pantry on our donations page. If you would like to donate food items, please see the list below.
Text: 850.607.0453
"For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me."
-MATTHEW 25:35-36
In the beginning months of 2020, the Pensacola Dream Center staff was brainstorming ways to transform our pantry outreach. We had envisioned a meal kit delivery program that would be our take on "Hello Fresh," "Blue Apron," and others out there that are similar. Because we didn't have the means or the budget to purchase and store fresh ingredients, the need to create meal kits from non-perishable items became apparent. We were inspired to create and test recipes that could be easily replicated, feed an entire family, and be simple enough that high school students (or other beginner cooks) could prepare. Little did we know that while the meal kit concept was being formed, we were only a couple of months from the start of what became known as the infamous "Corona Virus Quarantine Lockdown," although the terminology had changed to "COVID" as months went by. How perfect is God's timing to have us begin this program when the whole world was about to go through the shutdown of commerce that majorly affected social life as we knew it? Eating out was no longer an option, so it was either order take out or delivery or cook at home. Households had to come up with creative ways to pass time at home, while those listed as "essential workers" were out and about, continually providing necessary services. Pensacola Dream Center graciously stepped up to that role to help meet the needs of our community.
Since then, we have expanded the concept and created a "Where is the Love" campaign to show the different ways that we show LOVE. Sharing a meal and the conversation that goes along with it is one of them.
We will include new table topics with each recipe card that we create, but here's a link to help you get started at your next meal...
Share the love... #MealKitMoments #PensacolaDreamCenter
Copyright © 2021 Pensacola Dream Center - All Rights Reserved.
17:28 Ministries, Inc. d/b/a Pensacola Dream Center 501(c)(3)
P.O. Box 908
Pensacola, FL 32591